Interacting with data

In order to continue, you must understand Mandarine Query Language (MQL), Models & Repositories


Mandarine repositories work directly with MQL, since MQL serves as the primary query statement writer.

@CustomQuery decorator

The @CustomQuery decorator allows you to write SQL queries in your repositories. While it is true that MQL & Mandarine's ORM aim to remove as much SQL & database code from your application's layer, it is also true that some use cases may require the use of complex SQL queries.


@CustomQuery(query: string, secure?: boolean)
  • query: Query to execute

  • secure: whether the query has secured parameters such as $1, $2, ...

    • Default: True


// usersModel.ts

import { Table, Id, GeneratedValue, Column } from "";

@Table({ schema: "public" })
class Users {

    @GeneratedValue({strategy: "SEQUENCE"})
    public id: number;

    public firstname: string;

    public lastname: string;

    public country: string;

    constructor(firstname?: string, lastname?: string, country?: string) {
        this.firstname = firstname;
        this.lastname = lastname; = country;



  • They keyword "await" should be used for all repository methods

Last updated

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