
This page summarizes the information & use of the middleware component.


  • It is part of the Mandarine MVC module.

  • It works as an interceptor for HTTP requests made to a mandarine endpoint.

  • It accepts the use of DI, however, this type of component is not injectable.



@Middleware(regexRoute: RegExp)
  • regexRoute

    • Regular expression of HTTP endpoint url to intercept.


import { Middleware, MiddlewareTarget } from "https://deno.land/x/mandarinets/mod.ts";

@Middleware(new RegExp('/api/*'))
export class Middleware1 implements MiddlewareTarget {

    // To be executed on pre-request of a request which url matches the middleware's regular expression route
    public onPreRequest(@ResponseParam() response: any): boolean {
         * True = the request must continue, 
         * False = the request will stop 
        return true;
    // To be executed on post-request of a request which url matches the middleware's regular expression route
    public onPostRequest(): void {

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